Poha recipe

What is Poha:

Poha is very common Indian breakfast which is made with flattened rice, onion, peanuts and some spices. Poha is consumed in many regions of India. This Poha recipe is a healthy and quick option of breakfast or evening snacks.

There are different kinds of poha available in market , thin, medium thick and very thick. I always suggest to use medium thick poha or medium thick flattened rice to make poha for breakfast because it doesn’t take long time to soak and it doesn’t get over soaked quickly.

Poha is made in many style in different states such Nagpuri poha has some sugar added in it another famous poem is called Bombay or Maharashtra poha which is called kanda poha which has lots of onion in it. Even in some of southern states uses some curd to make poha which looks similar to raita, where fresh yoghurt is the main ingredient and even some red rice poha also seen in few houses I think which is the most healthiest version of rice we can use since it’s unpolished version of rice and has lots of natural fibres in it.

There are many uses of this flattened rice like making idli, Dosa, chidwa and one of the very famous and common breakfast made with this rice is poha.

There are many ways of making poha, this blog will show you step-by-step how to make tasty poha just within 10 minutes.

Ingredients List

below are basic ingredients for this poha recipe:

Poha Medium size – 2 cup (150-180 grams)
Oil – 1 to 2 tbsp
Peanuts – 2 tbsp
Onion – 1 (chopped)
Coriander Leaves – 2-3 tbsp (finely chopped)
Lemon – ½
Curry Leaves – 10-12
Green Chilli – 2 (cut long way in half or can be chopped)
Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp
Black Mustard seeds – 1 tsp
Salt – 1/2 tsp

How to make poha step by step

Here I will tell you how to make this poha recipe step-by-step which can be made just in 10 minutes

Step 1:

Wash the medium size flattened rice at least two to three time in running water. Always use a strainer the wash it so there is not much storage of water on the bottom otherwise the flatten rice will get oversoaked which will make the poha sticky. make sure the excess water get well drained at this stage we can add a little bit of salt so the rice can absorb salt perfectly when it’s wet. Leave it aside

Medium size flattened rice

Step 2:

On the other hand get some onion roughly, ginger, green coriander and green chilli chopped.

Step 3:

In a fan heat some groundnut oil. Roast some peanuts and keep them aside. In the same pan add some black mustard seed some Curry leaves, saute them little bit and add the chopped onion, chopped ginger, chilli, saute for a while, make sure don’t make them brown and add little bit of turmeric powder. Some raisins can be added to give it some sweet taste.

Step 4:

Now add the soaked flattened rice into the pan, add a handful of chopped green coriander stir little bit and add some lemon juice now mix it well by tossing the pan don’t overmix the poha with a spatula otherwise the rice will get broken. Sprinkle some water with hands if the poha looks dry it will help to keep the poha more moist and soft.

Step 5:

Now add the roasted peanut into the poha And mix it well

Step 6:

Now serve in a plate, garnish with some fresh coriander leave and we can serve it with a slice of lime or lemon if we want to add more acidity into it.

Usually the poha is served by itself or sometime we can serve this with some fresh yoghurt. I hope the above step by step instructions teaches you well how to make poha just in 10 minutes.

Watch the video to learn hoe to make Poha

 Pro tips to make nice fluffy and granny poha

This poha recipe is very simple but still keep below points in mind to make the poha juicy and fluffy.

  1. Make sure never over soak the poha otherwise it will become sticky.
  2. Never stir poha with a ladle otherwise the rice will get broken, try to toss it maximum times.
  3. The onion should not be cooked for long time or we don’t need to make the onion brown so that will help to keep the poha more juicy and soft.
  4. If you feel the poha is getting too dry sprinkle some water with your hands and toss it well to keep the poha more moist and soft.

Recipe card

How to make Poha just in 5 minutes

Poha is very common Indian breakfast which is made with flattened rice, onion, peanuts and some spices. Poha is consumed in many regions of India. It’s a healthy and quick option of breakfast or evening snacks.
Prep Time 2 mins
Cook Time 3 mins
Course Breakfast, rice, Snack
Cuisine Indian
Servings 2


  • 1 kadhai or deep pan
  • 1 Spatula or wooden ladle
  • 1 Strainer to wash poha
  • 2 Serving bowl or plate


  • 2 cup medium size poha (150-180g)
  • 2 tbsp cooking oil preferably groundnut oil
  • 2 tbsp peanuts
  • 1 pc onion medium size
  • 2-3 tbsp chopped coriander leaves
  • 1 pc lime/lemon
  • 10-12 pcs curry leaves
  • 2 pcs green chilli
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp black mustard seeds
  • 1 tsp salt to taste


  • Wash the medium size flattened rice at least two to three time in running water. Always use a strainer the wash it so there is not much storage of water on the bottom otherwise the flatten rice will get oversoaked which will make the poha sticky. make sure the excess water get well drained at this stage we can add a little bit of salt so the rice can absorb salt perfectly when it’s wet. Leave it aside.
  • On the other hand get some onion roughly, ginger, green coriander and green chilli chopped.
  • In a fan heat some groundnut oil. Roast some peanuts and keep them aside. In the same pan add some black mustard seed some Curry leaves, saute them little bit and add the chopped onion, chopped ginger, chilli, saute for a while, make sure don’t make them brown and add little bit of turmeric powder. Some raisins can be added to give it some sweet taste.
  • Now add the soaked flattened rice into the pan, add a handful of chopped green coriander stir little bit and add some lemon juice now mix it well by tossing the pan don’t overmix the poha with a spatula otherwise the rice will get broken. Sprinkle some water with hands if the poha looks dry it will help to keep the poha more moist and soft.
  • Now add the roasted peanut into the poha And mix it well
  • Now serve in a plate, garnish with some fresh coriander leave and we can serve it with a slice of lime or lemon if we want to add more acidity into it.


Pro tips to make the poha soft and fluffy:
  • Make sure never over soak the poha otherwise it will become sticky.
  • Make sure never stir poha with a ladle otherwise the rice will get broken, try to toss it maximum times.
  • Make sure the onion is not cooked for long time or we don’t need to make the onion brown so that will help to keep the poha more juicy and soft.
  • If you feel the poha is getting too dry sprinkle some water with your hands and toss it well to keep the poha more moist and soft.
Keyword gluten free breakfast, gluten free food, Healthy breakfast, healthy indian breakfast, healthy poha recipe, how to make poha, indian breakfast, poha, poha recipe, quick recipe of poha, vegan breakfast, vegan soup

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